How to get ahead of 99% of people

By Reporter Jobs   Jun 07, 2024   |   108    comments

I could not have come up with a more obvious title, but if you continue reading, you'll see that I really mean it. Not because I am an expert in philosophy, but because I have been preaching this for the past eight months, and it is the reason I went from making nothing to making $1,000.

You can search “How do I grow mentally?” or “How to become unrecognizable in months,” but most of the time you’ll find generic answers.

  • Become more disciplined.
  • Make targeted goals and follow them.
  • Go into monk mode and give up your desires.
  • Wake up early, exercise, and be focused.

Undoubtedly, these are things that you should follow. I don’t disregard this approach, as it is in fact helpful, but there is still something that is missing here.

To get ahead of the 99% of people, you’ll have to do what the 99% is unwilling to do.

This is my goal, and I remind myself of it every morning when I get out of bed. I party every weekend because 99.9% of the people I know aren't interested in growing personally, so I do that. I go above and beyond to let people know that I can do much more because 99.9% of people are willing to accept that job and do what is required of them. The vast majority of people I know would rather give up than experience discomfort while learning something.

If having objectives and taking a disciplined approach to achieving them were all it took to become wealthy, my housekeeper, my milkman, and even my parents would have achieved millionaire status. All of the aforementioned individuals work hard at their jobs, which enables them to wake up at the same time every day, save money, and set goals.

If you can learn a skill online or acquire it by simply watching 10 minute sessions, you can be replaced because millions of people can watch it, learn it, and perform the task just as you can. The following seven areas need improvement if you want to improve as a person:

  1. Focus on what matters.

Focus is not the key; rather, what matters is Consider your surroundings and what is most important to you. People will advise you to read, read, read, but if you prefer podcasts or learn best by listening, then listen instead. Yoga is a great alternative to exercise if you prefer it. Avoid wasting your time or energy on activities you find challenging. Life is too short to spend it doing things you don't enjoy. All energy drainers, whether they be social media, celebrity rumors, or material possessions. This entails examining our priorities carefully and ensuring that we are devoting our time and effort to the things that are most important to us.

2. Embrace discomfort.

Growth and discomfort are mutually exclusive. You'll need to take a risk that most people aren't willing to take in order to succeed. Increase your level of risk-taking or go beyond what society expects. You must be willing to face your fears, take calculated risks, and accept uncertainty if you want to advance mentally. This entails accepting discomfort rather than making every effort to avoid it. By embracing discomfort, we increase our ability to be resilient and adaptable in the face of difficulties and expose ourselves to new opportunities and experiences.

3. Take responsibility for your life.

I am aware that you have experienced trauma in your life, which is difficult to forget. I've been through a lot of crap, and in some ways, I'm still going through it. There are days when I am sad about it, but you know what? I won't ever let that kind of stuff stop me again.

Instead of placing the blame for your problems on other people or outside factors, take responsibility for your own lives. When we accept responsibility, we gain the power to make wise decisions and actively pursue our objectives. In place of making excuses, this entails owning up to your shortcomings and errors and being willing to learn from them.

4. Let go of the need for approval.

You need to feel validated, which is one of the biggest barriers to personal development. If you base your sense of self-worth on other people's opinions of you, you'll always be looking for affirmation and trying to avoid criticism. There are business concepts that people have never liked but still pursue. Why? Because they believe in the concept.

You need to let go of this need for approval and concentrate on cultivating a sense of internal validation if you want to surpass 99.9% of people. This entails accepting yourself as you are, flaws and all, and being prepared to take risks and achieve your objectives despite the disapproval of others.

5. Develop resilience.

Success and personal development depend on resilience. Resilience is the capacity to recover from setbacks, adjust to shifting conditions, and continue forward in the face of difficulty. You must embrace discomfort, take calculated risks, and learn from your mistakes if you want to develop resilience. You also need to gain perspective, understanding that failures and setbacks are a normal part of the development process.

6. Embrace the journey.

The key to finding meaning in life is to embrace the journey rather than focus on reaching predetermined objectives or benchmarks. This entails enjoying the growth and self-discovery process rather than concentrating only on the end result. It's important to foster a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world, as well as an attitude of adventure and possibility, in order to live a fulfilling life. The majority of people start to feel depressed in their mid-20s because they feel aimless. We defined our goals and prisons for you at a young age.

  • Go through school.
  • Get good grades.
  • Get into a good college.
  • Get a degree.
  • Get a job.

By your mid-twenties, you are probably done with this cycle, and then you are confused because you cannot think for yourself anymore. You have no one to tell you what to do, and you think the rest of your life will be spent doing that job and aiming for promotions. You need to embrace the fact that life is all about learning and finding new things. Don’t let a set of rules decide what you can do with your life.

7. Cultivate meaningful relationships.

To sum up, the development of meaningful relationships is crucial for happiness and growth. A sense of connection, support, and belonging that comes from healthy relationships enables us to face life's challenges. It's also been said that you are the sum of all the people you spend time with. You're more likely to develop more quickly once you surround yourself with people who support you, push your thinking, and encourage you to realize your full potential.

Be prepared to put forth the time and effort necessary to establish and maintain relationships with others, as well as to be honest and open with them.

In conclusion, it is not necessary to live a monastic lifestyle or even a very monotonous one in order to get ahead of 99% of people and develop mentally; rather, it requires a change in perspective and strategy. By keeping our eyes on the prize, embracing discomfort, and accepting responsibility for our actions.

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