How to Make $100 Passive Income A Day In The Next 24 Months

By Reporter Jobs   Jun 07, 2024   |   252    comments

Most people have ambitions outside of work.

They actively consume content about building side projects and look up to those who have escaped the "rat race." However, many struggle to take action and remain stuck.

I can relate to this because I was in the same position six years ago.

Fresh out of university, eager to conquer the world, only to realize that the corporate world was not my calling. Today, I generate $100 a day in passive income, but it took me a considerable amount of time to reach this point.

In this article, I will share the mistakes I made and provide insights on what I would do differently if I were to start over.

My journey of chaos

I quickly realized that climbing the corporate ladder wasn't what I truly desired, although it took me a few years to fully accept. It was during my time in management that I finally came to this realization.

For three years, I remained in the corporate world, aware that it wasn't my long-term plan, but fear prevented me from acknowledging it. I dabbled in various side ventures but never fully committed to any of them.

I embarked on a series of business ventures, all of which ultimately failed. This was mostly due to my lack of wholehearted dedication. Additionally, my mindset was detrimental to my progress.

When things became challenging, I gave up. My negative self-talk was paralyzing, and my self-esteem was at an all-time low. I had as much resilience as a paper cup. But in order to succeed online, all of that needed to change.

So, if I were to start from scratch, here's what I would do.

1. Make it unbelievably hard for a short period of time

To strengthen your resilience and thrive in the online and business world, follow these steps:

    Engage in challenging activities: Undertake tasks that push your limits and expose you to difficulties.

    Allocate time: Dedicate at least 20 minutes each day to these activities.

For instance, writing an article with no anticipated readership can be challenging. Begin with a daily 20-minute writing session, putting in your best effort.

This practice cultivates the ability to remain committed and productive even when there is no immediate recognition. And mastering this skill is crucial for long-term success.

Remember, building resilience is vital for overcoming setbacks, handling negative feedback, and navigating unexpected obstacles.

2. Ask yourself better questions

I didn't enjoy building a product-based business. In just twenty minutes, I could come up with an idea and have a fully operational e-commerce store by day four. However, I would quickly lose interest.

I'm deeply passionate about writing because it allows me to tell stories, share my ideas with the world, help others, and delve into the psychology of content.

Discovering your passion is like going on multiple dates before finding true love.

To begin, ask yourself "why?" Your answer should go beyond just making money, in my experience.

3. Serve your audience

You'll come to the realization, on your journey, that whatever form of content creation you pursue - whether it's video production, podcasting, or other mediums - you are ultimately engaged in the business of evoking emotions and imparting knowledge.

Essentially, you are offering a valuable service to your audience. Once this realization dawns on you, it's time to take it up a notch. 

Ask yourself these important questions:

    How can I enhance the overall experience?

    What challenges do they face that I can address?

    When I was in their shoes, what support or guidance assisted me?

Continue to serve your audience diligently, keeping their needs at the forefront.

4. Mindset switch

I give away 99% of my stuff for free because I have two important reasons:

Building trust with my audience is crucial as I want to show them that I can solve their problems effectively.

Currently, I'm in a learning and audience-building phase rather than focusing on earning.

This is where the beauty of the 9-5 comes into play. Unlike if I were doing this full-time, my mindset isn't forced to prioritize money over growth due to the necessity of paying bills. The 9-5 setup grants me the freedom to choose my priorities.

5. Craft an irresistible offer

Ultimately, to succeed in selling your product, it is crucial to follow a strategic approach. First and foremost, focus on acquiring positive reviews, as they play a vital role in driving product sales. 

Additionally, ensure that the value you offer is at least ten times the price you charge. 

This not only encourages customers to leave glowing reviews but also enhances the perceived value of your product.

Finally, consider leveraging the channels where you have established authority to maximize the reach and impact of your product.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively optimize your product for SEO and drive sales success.

My story

I've been writing online for 2.5 years and it took some time to master this technique. It may seem simple, but it's actually quite effective.

One crucial skill to cultivate is resilience. By getting back up every time things get tough, you pave the way for success.

Here's the trick: try not to get too caught up in the numbers. Instead, keep your focus on the long-term vision.

Remember, a rough week or month shouldn't discourage you. Your main goal is to build a passive income that will serve you for a lifetime.

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